Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Duke's Poetry and Documentary Expression

I listened to "Poetry and Documentary Expression", which was presented by Tom Rankin. Tom begins the introduction and explains how poetry includes documentary and vis versa. He explains how poetry and documentary have a lot in common, mainly a connection with everyday life and the culture and creativity of common experience. They also share an attachment to history and an impulse to "fix" both the hear and now passing moments. Poetry and documentary, he says, try to stem the tie of forgetting which Mr. Rankin believes both poets and documentary share and are concerned about.

Mr. Rankin explains Robert Pinsky was born in New Jersey and attended Rutgers and Stanford and taught at a number of different colleges. He has published several books as well.

I was confused with this assignment and do not know if I did it correctly. I plan on seeing what I need to do to fix it and correct it tomorrow.


Marlena said...

I wasn't sure about the assignment either. Did you read her email? That cleared it up for me. :)

Jennifer Averitt said...

Hip Hip Hurray! Someone reads e-mail!!! Thank you Marlena.

Matt, what you did will be fine. I will have clearer instructions for the next semester.